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How to replace a headlight bulb or broken headlight?

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How to replace a headlight bulb or broken headlight?

Your car’s headlights are one of the most important pieces of safety equipment on the vehicle. It’s worse than running at night with one eye closed: You’ve lost the illumination from one of your headlights. Either a bulb has burned out or a minor accident has claimed the lens, the reflector, or perhaps the lamp’s entire housing. And besides the obvious danger, there are also the risks of a citation from a sharp-eyed law-enforcement officer and the possible gouge from a repair shop’s hourly rate. But you can handle the situation yourself, saving precious greenbacks in the process while feeling the warm glow of accomplishment by replacing a broken headlight yourself.

How much does a headlight bulb replacement cost?

The headlights are the main source of light from your vehicle at night time, which allows the driver to see where they are going, and more importantly, helps drivers see other vehicles coming towards them. Most modern vehicles allow the changing of just the bulbs, instead of having to replace the whole headlight – which is more cost effective.

Most vehicle have four bulbs in the front – two for the normal low beams and two for the high beam/dip lights, as well as separate fuses for each side.

Replacing a headlight bulb can start at around $100 and can increase to $180+, especially if the headlight assembly has to be removed from the vehicle. 

What is a headlight bulb?

A headlight bulb is based on the same principle as the bulbs in your house. They are a glass bulb with a filament inside, which glows white hot when a current is passed through it. This glowing filament provides the light output which is then directed forwards by specially angled reflectors inside the headlight.

Factors that Influence Headlight Longevity
  • Type of Headlight Bulb

Different headlight bulbs operate on different voltages, and this affects how long they last. 

  • The Terrain in Your Usual Route

Uneven roads cause vibrations which damage the bulb filaments that may lead to your headlights burning out faster.

  • Driving Duration

The higher the usage, the more frequent you need to replace headlight bulbs. Car owners who drive more at night will find themselves changing their lights more often than day drivers.

Identify the type and size before you charge car’s headlight bulb. Figure out the bulb type. This is where you can customize with options including halogen, LED or Xenon. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages such as pricing, availability, lifespan, brightness, heat resistance, and power consumption.

5 Steps to replace car’s headlights:
  1. Locate the bulb holder
  2. Remove the wiring harness
  3. Remove the old bulb
  4. Put the new bulb in place
  5. Check your lights


Instead of getting stressed searching for parts, you only need to request for it and suppliers begin sending you most competitive price. What’s more, this service is free! So, and start receiving quotes!   

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