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How to Replace Rear Main Seal / Crankshaft Rear Seal Oil Leak

How to Replace Rear Main Seal / Crankshaft Rear Seal Oil Leak

What Is A Rear Main Seal?

The rear main seal within your car has the job of keeping the oil inside of the rear of the engine. This is where the crankshaft connects with the transmission. The crankshaft converts linear energy into rotational energy, letting the car drive forward.

Symptoms your crankshaft rear seal requires replacement
  • One of the most serious signs is if your oil light comes on shortly after an oil change.
  • If your car seems to be losing oil quickly but you do not see visible leakage when your car is parked, your rear main seal could be in the early stages of failure.
  • If you are seeing oil accumulating under the car, or noticing you need to top off your oil more frequently than usual despite not using the car more than is typical, you likely have a leak.
  • This part is difficult to see and find on a car, and is not designed to be replaced easily.


How important is replacing your crankshaft rear seal?

The rear main seal is a crucial part of the oil and engine involved with the inner workings of your vehicle. Without this working correctly, the transmission won’t run smoothly, and your engine will falter. Leaking oil can cause further damage to the engine, making the rear main seal replacement cost higher and more crucial to maintaining the longevity of your vehicle.

What Affects The Price Of Replace The Rear Main Seal?

The cost of replacing the rear main seal is depending on the car make and model, the current condition, and the oil levels.

The main portion of the cost is the mechanic’s labor fee and potential the seals, gaskets and other components (the wires and sensors) replacement.

How to replace rear main seal?
  1. Disconnect the Battery
  2. Remove the Exhaust System
  3. Remove the Driveshaft
  4. Remove The Transmission
  5. Remove The Flywheel or Flexplate
  6. Remove The Rear Main Seal Bolts
  7. Remove The Rear Main Crankshaft Seal 
  8. Match The New Rear Crankshaft Seal
  9. Install The New Seal
  10. Install the Rear Main Seal


We do replace car rear main seal

If your car need the rear main seal inspection or rear main seal replacement, we are very happy to help you to complete the job. We are Sydney Mechanic & Smash Repair located in Ermington Sydney NSW. We can help people live in eastwood, carlingford, epping and other sydney area’s people to to the job as well. We can do Benz rear main seal replacement, Hyundai rear main seal replacement, holden rear main seal, BMW rear main seal replacement, Audi rear main seal replacement, Toyota rear main seal replacement, Honda rear main seal replacement,  replacement and many more.

All of our car servicing and car repair jobs are carried out by licenced vehicle technicians with years of extensive experience across all popular and luxury makes and models.

Our Address: 71 Atkins Road, Ermington, NSW 2115

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If you are live in Sydney and you need to have your car brake pad inspection or replacement, you are welcome to visit our shop to get it done. We do car servicing and car repair job for people who live in Eastwood, Carlingford, Epping, Ryde,  Ermington, all the rest of Sydney, Australia. 

We can repair most of the following car’s rear main seal/remain seal for you in sydney: TOYOTA, HONDA, BMW, BENZ, MINI, NISSAN, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Audi,  Volkswagen, Hyundai, Ford, Holden, JEEP and many more。


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