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How To Fix Scratch On The Car?

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How To Fix Scratch On The Car?

It really sucks when you spot fresh scratches on your car, even if you aren’t a hardcore petrol head. They’re our second biggest investment after a house, so it is nice to keep them in good condition and fix scratches on car.

A scratch is basically an open wound in the paint where a foreign object has dragged along the surface and gouged the surface. How to remove scratches from car depends on how deep the damage is, as a paint scratch can be shallow or deep, and the scratch repair technique will depend on how far through the paint whatever scratched the car got.

There is no magic car scratch remover tool, but car scratch and dent repair can be simpler than you may first imagine. So how do you manage a car paint repair without going to a professional paint shop and paying thousands of dollars?

Before you begin

Ensure the vehicle is parked in a well ventilated area, but protected from dust and dirt. Exposure to contaminants could end up damaging the newly painted surface.

Even though it is far safer than it used to be, Automotive paint can still be incredibly harmful if breathed, and it can also irritate your skin and eyes – therefore, always wear appropriate safety equipment.

There are 3 way to remove the scratch:

  1. Use the sand paper to do the car paint scratch

This way can only remove the small scratch. Wet the scratch and use sandpaper, it need to be very lightly sand until the finish looks dull and the scratch is no longer obvious.

how to remove scratches repair eastwood car repair sydney by amazingstudio seo Then clean the surface with a microfiber towel. After that, apply some polishing compound pad. Squirt some compound onto the polishing pad and spread it around with the pad. Then run the polisher or drill at 1200rpm until  you get a light haze. Follow up with polishing compound to restore the shine.

  1. Use the scratch removal product

This way can only remove the small scratch. Take a quarter-sized bead onto the scrubbing pad and apply directly to the scratch. Work the product into the scratched area, as well as the surrounding area.

Then use the microfiber wipe to wipe away the removal product.

Repeat two to three times. You may see alight difference in the scratch after trying it once, but it may still have some mark on it. Give it a couple more try and the scratch will be harder and harder to see.

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  1. Use spray primer

This way can remove the deep scratch, but recommend have experience mechanic to do it.

Use the sandpaper with 2000-grit until you reach your car’s metal panel. Always sand in the direction of the scratch.

Mask off the area use the microfiber wipe and masking tape to prevent spreading paint/primer to any other area.  Spray automotive primer onto the area and let it dry. Find the right colour matching your car. You can try to call your car deal, they may know where you can find the right color.

Make the newly painted area match the rest of your car by polishing the spot. Put a quarter- sized bead onto a polishing pad or microfiber towel and rub in a circular motion until all the polish is removed.


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All of our car servicing and car repair jobs are carried out by licenced vehicle technicians with years of extensive experience across all popular and luxury makes and models.

Our Address: 71 Atkins Road, Ermington, NSW 2115

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If you are live in Sydney and you need to have your car dent removal and repair, you are welcome to visit our shop to get it done. We do car servicing and car repair job for people for the Eastwood, Carlingford, Epping, Ryde,  Ermington, and all the rest of Sydney, Australia. 

We can repair most of the following car’s dent removal and repair for you in sydney: TOYOTA, HONDA, BMW, BENZ, MINI, NISSAN, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Audi,  Volkswagen, Hyundai, Ford, Holden, JEEP and many more。


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