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Watch Tesla Model 3 Get Backed Over And Crushed By School Bus

Watch Tesla Model 3 Get Backed Over And Crushed By School Bus


What do you do when you’re sitting behind a school bus in your Tesla and the bus driver suddenly proceeds to back up? If you can’t quickly move out of the way or somehow alert the driver, your car is likely to get damaged, and that’s precisely what happened here. In fact, this bus ended up backing right up over the front of the Tesla Model 3.

The video above has a number of interesting clips that can teach drivers valuable lessons. This is because it includes footage from Tesla’s built-in dashcam (TeslaCam) and camera-based Sentry Mode security system. As you’ll see, the footage can prove helpful for teaching drivers what to do, and more importantly, what not to do.

As the story goes, Tesla Model 3 owner Kane pulled up behind a school bus at a stop sign. He didn’t leave much space, and he had nowhere to go when the school bus driver started backing up. Clearly, the bus driver had no idea the Tesla was right behind it, which may not have been the case if Kane wasn’t pulled up so close.

Since Kane couldn’t back away from the situation, and he was too close to the school bus to sneak out by moving forward, he had to watch as the bus drove right up onto his Model 3’s frunk. The whole front end of the car and the windshield were crushed by the impact and the weight of the bus.

According to Kane’s story, the bus driver realized the bus wasn’t in the correct lane to make a left turn. Rather than proceeding forward or going right and turning around, the driver decided to back up and move into the left lane. 

Fortunately, no one was injured, but the Model 3 was deemed a total loss. Kane ordered a Tesla Model S Plaid to replace it, and now he’s waiting for his new car.

Aside from the school bus footage, there are 25 other crazy incidents to watch in the video above. Wham Baam Teslacam notes that Tesla drivers are put to the test in a number of ways in this episode, which puts an emphasis on Tesla Autopilot, bad drivers, and hit-and-run crashes.


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